Programmatic Digital Out of Home, abbreviated pDooH, essentially refers to the fully automated trading of digital advertising spaces with the help of special trading platforms. This automation of digital out-of-home advertising provides clients with a logical and sensible supplement and thus the best prerequisite for advertising success in public spaces. What are the strengths that DOOH has already brought to traditional advertising?

  • OOH is a reach medium and can be used for local targeting and selective targeting at the same time. DOOH offers even more possibilities for targeting demographic, geographic, income-related target groups, etc. In addition, the visuals can be flexibly adapted to the context and target group at any time.
  • OOH is unclickable and unblockable, it’s hard to ignore when you’re out and about. It is the medium with the biggest, most noticeable impact. DOOH offers an even bigger, different impact. DOOH enables content reach and interactivity with full motion video, real time content, social media engagement, synchronisation and touch screen interactivity, AR among others.
  • OOH is an efficient medium to reach mobile target groups. With OOH, people are reached while they are on the move. In doing so, decisions are influenced on their way between work, home and entertainment activities, provoking the path to purchase.

So what is the advantage of programmatic outdoor advertising? What is pDooH actually?

Essentially, the concept of pDOOH is the same as DOOH – a spot is delivered to a digital screen in real time, but the way that spot was bought, sold and/or delivered differs. pDOOH has automated the process of buying, selling and delivering inventory via digital screens and offers advanced features to traditional DOOH.  In doing so, it also brings the benefits of programmatic campaigns to the public space.

pDOOH works in a similar way to Programmatic Online Advertising

The available inventory, including information on DooH screens such as locations and sizes, is transmitted to the SSP (Supply Side Platform). The information is additionally enriched with the socio-demographic data collected by SPR+, which enables a target group-specific approach. The campaign is planned, created and controlled via a DSP (Demand Side Platform). All data transmitted to the SSP is available to this platform.

In some cases, DSPs and customers also access third-party data providers, which in turn is done via a DMP (Data Management Platform). Here, data for target groups, such as. Behaviour, consumption, socio-demographics and data triggers such as weather and UV conditions are made available.

Wie funktioniert das programmatic Angebot bei Clear Channel?

Via the Broadsign Reach SSP, campaigns can be implemented regionally and nationally on the entire digital inventory. The motifs in the street, POS, airport and convenience channels can be controlled per screen according to various parameters. DSP targeting (weather, target groups, data) is possible in private auctions and private deals. Programmatic Guaranteed Deals also allow pre-targeting by city, screen, day and hour. Triggers are used to target advertising with less wastage – across providers and centrally controlled. With our SSP and DSP, lead times are shortened ” Programmatic in Out of Home automates and optimises the trading of advertising space and makes your campaign planning more efficient. and short-term changes of advertising media are easier. Not only the dynamic playout of data-driven subjects but also the optimisation of sales campaigns enable the customers to use their budget optimally.

But there are also concise and important differences between pDOOH and Programmatic Digital

Out of Home is a one-to-many medium, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship we see in online advertising. Each time a digital OOH ad is played, the ad can be seen by numerous people. As a result, a DOOH ad can be delivered a variable number of impressions. Unlike online advertising, programmatic DOOH cannot be skipped by the target audience nor is it susceptible to ad blockers or ad fraud.

When should I buy classic DOOH and when programmatic DOOH?

As a buyer, you must first and foremost consider your campaign strategy and weigh up whether a programmatic transaction is appropriate. Example: If your message may only be relevant at certain times of the day or when it is raining, wouldn’t it be much more exciting and efficient to access available inventory at those times when the certain conditions are met, rather than buying specific hours, the whole day or the whole week in advance? If the technical fees are also transparent, you as a buyer can make an informed decision about whether they are offset by the benefits of Programmatic. If you would like advice or more information on how Clear Channel can use pDOOH, please contact us here.